23A – Your Venture Unfair Advantage

23A – Your Venture Unfair Advantage

Current Resources:

1.       Potential Investors- People are willing to invest into a product that has a future.

a.       Valuable: It is important to have beginning Capital in order to get the business off the ground.

b.       Rare: People believe in the product so it’s not rare. There is a need to be met.

c.       Inimitable: One can try to mimic the idea but the product will always be unique.

d.       Non- substitutable: The only other similar product is hand sanitizer which doesn’t clean the hands completely

2.       Chemistry background- It deals with the mixtures or ingredients and natural cleansing agents

a.       Valuable: it is important to have a chemist that can help create the product because they know what will and wouldn’t work in the mixture.

b.       Rare: Only a Chemist would know how to generate a formula needed for this product to be a success

c.        Inimitable: unique formula will not be able to recreate by someone who is not a part of the venture.

d.       Non- substitutable: Can be if someone creates a similar product.

3.       Creativity: One must have a vision for the brand

a.       Valuable: Creativity is needed for the products formula and packaging

b.       Rare: A vision that is different yet catchy

c.       Inimitable: Creativity can but never be duplicated when it is a gift

d.       substitutable: I am pretty sure that someone will try to create a competitive product but won’t compare to the creative and gifted mind

4.       Social networking: I have enough connected on social media to help me market the product

a.       Valuable: Social media is the new way of being seen and heard

b.       Rare: Not rare many people use social media to market

c.       Inimitable: You can hire someone to do the work for you unless you have the connection that will invest time in your brand

d.       Non-substitutable: You can find people to assist with other aspects of the business.

5.       Relatable Target Market: People who have a need for the product

a.       Valuable: you have to know your target market in order to give them exactly what they want

b.       Rare: Not rare… Most people have to know who has the need for the business in order to have a business

c.       Inimitable: It doesn’t compare to any other market. This need is for only a selected few.

d.       Non-substitutable: The target market cannot be changed. It’s a unique target market.

6.       Financial advisor: Someone that measures the cost to produce and price to sell

a.       Valuable: This helps save and make money for the business

b.       Rare: It isn’t rare to have a financial advisor/accountant to help you maintain and generate capital

c.       Inimitable: If there was another product on the market as this, it could possibly be inimitable.

d.       Non-substitutable: There are many people out there providing financial advice for businesses, just not one like mine.

7.       Advertising Potential: Word of mouth advertising or legally soliciting people to try the product.

a.       Value: Getting people to the product is the way to sell it

b.       Rare: Not a rare idea many people use this approach

c.       Inimitable: not so much

d.       Non-substitutable

8.       Patent the idea

a.       Valuable: In order to ensure that no one benefits from your idea

b.       Rare: Everyone needs to patent to protect their brand

c.       Inimitable: no

d.       Non-substitutable

9.       Business manager: someone to help you make the best decision for the business

a.       Valuable: someone to depend on and trust to ensure that you are successful in your business affairs is valuable for the brand

b.       Rare: it common to have someone to help you be successful

c.       Inimitable: no

d.       Non-substitutable

10.   Design partner (engineer): Someone to help customize the products design

a.       Valuable: Most valuable because the design will draw attention to the consumer

b.       Rare: Designer will create a unique product packaging

c.       Inimitable: Yes, unless the designer creates it for a competitor

d.       Non-substitutable: nothing like it created as yet.

I think the most important resource to my venture is my human capital and my chemist. In order to have a successful business… I have to have the capital to produce and a chemist to help create the product that will benefit my clientele. I am trying to help those with the need for moisturized, clean, and soft hands. The chemist will help create that. Which will provide a successful product.


  1. I agree with you, having a chemist you know will definitely move along the process of physically creating your product. Plus your personal human capital is especially unique when it comes to putting your personal brand out there on your products. I know that with these resources and your very useful product, you will have much success!

  2. Hey Sici, I think it's incredible that you have both a chemist and an engineer to help you with your product! Diverse sales teams are so important, even if the more STEM-related folk remain behind the scenes. Sales engineering is even a minor at UF for engineering majors, along with digital art and sciences. Coupled with your creativity, I'm sure that if you ever seriously pursue this product you'll probably find success.


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