7A - Testing the Hypothesis Part 1
7A - Testing the
Hypothesis Part 1
Homeowners Parking
permission in a HOA Managed community
Residents living in Home Owners Association managed
communities find it challenging to find parking solutions when hosting social
gatherings due to parking restrictions strictly enforced by the Association.
The who: Residence
The what: lack of parking for guest
The why: Policies says the vehicles are only
supposed to be parked in the drive way.
Testing the who: Not
just residents have this need. This opportunity extends to guest, neighbors,
and professionals providing services that require access to the curb. Anyone
that must enter and exit the community.
Testing the what: Not all
residence has this problem. This can cause problem for residence, service
members, and construction workers entering the neighborhood
Testing the why: Fines can be
issued leading to a lean on the home for violating the parking restriction.
People are limited on their guest for gathering because nowhere to park.
Interview #1
21-year-old male resident that rents a home in
the community. I asked the interviewee
how he felt about the parking restrictions in the neighborhood. He stated that
it is impossible to have parties or gatherings because there is limited parking
and one cannot park in to the street.
Interview #2
I asked a representative of the Home Owner
Association why they feel the need to regulate on parking for residence in the
community. Her response was: Regulations regarding parking eliminates issues
for commercial vehicles, other residence, and service vehicles that need to
pass through. It also helps maintain the beauty of the neighborhood. No one
wants to see a bunch of cars on the side of the road looking like a parking lot.
Interview #3
45-Year-old Veteran living within the community
states, “I hate the fact that HOA monitors the parking, because it limits the number
of visitors for gatherings or functions.”
Interview #4
I asked the UPS driver how he felt about people parking
in the road in Residential Area. His response was that he hates to have to
maneuver around cars parked in the road. It makes it difficult to drive the big
truck through the neighborhood. He also states that the driveway is designed
for parked cars and the road is for incoming and outgoing traffic.
Interview #5
My Neighbor said that she doesn’t like the
parking restriction because her driveway is not big. It only fits like 4 cars
in the drive comfortably and if she wants to host thanksgiving, or bible study,
she doesn’t have enough space for parking. She thinks that she pays her dues
and bills and should be able to have as many company as she wants if they are
not causing a ruckus in the neighborhood.
I felt in the
beginning that there shouldn’t be a restriction on where one parked whether in
the driveway or in the road if they weren’t blocking another residence
driveway. After conducting the interviews, I understand that parking in the
street can cause issues for other vehicles that need to enter and exit the
community. But I also feel that if it is temporary parking than it shouldn’t be
a problem or a fine.
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