15A- Figuring out Buyer Behavior No2

15A- Figuring out Buyer Behavior No. 2


I have interviewed three different consumers and learned how they go about purchasing goods and services. Of the three interviews, only one was very simple. I value every purchase. From something as small as a chocolate bar up to something as big as a house.


My first interview was with my sister Celena. She currently lives in the Caribbean where resources are limited. So, most of her shopping is done online. She stated that she values quality over the price because of its durability. As far as alternatives, Celena stated that she compares prices and reviews from other consumers when a desired item is unavailable. She likes to have nice things that last but she also likes to see what others are saying about it before she purchases. This is her opinion with services also. After she receives the item, Celena evaluates it to see if the value is of good quality or if the service was what she expected. She uses her debit card for most of her purchases unless she has cash. She rarely finances unless it is a big purchase like a car or furniture.


The second interviewee is my husband. Larry is a very compulsive consumer. When asked if he puts a lot of thought into his purchases of goods and services, he stated that it depended on what it was. If it is food, soap or a pair of socks, he does not apply much consideration. He is buying a cigar, a fishing pole or hunting gear, he tends to do a little research. He prefers to go to the store and make purchases to get a feel for what he is buying but does like to shop online as well. If supply is limited he tends to seek judgement from the supplier for alternatives. Larry is the type of consumer that does not wait for a deal. If he wants something that is available at a certain price, he does not compare prices, he buys it right then. Larry also does not like to finance or use credit. All his purchases are done using cash. If the item works as expected or better he feels as if he made a good choice in his purchase.


My third interviewee was my co-worker Paula. She is an all-around shopper. Paula stated that she likes to shop online, and in the store. She does not have a preference. She also stated that she has two credit cards that she uses to gain rewards and she uses cash. Occasionally, she finances purchases if it is necessary. She is a very thrifty shopper that is always looking for a deal or the cheaper buy. She typically shops generic brand or aftermarket items. Price is more important than style and quality for Paula. Paula has three kids and takes care of her mom, so she spends her money wisely. She doesn’t really evaluate her purchases because she doesn’t feel the need. She is just thankful that she can make a purchase.


In summary, I discovered that many people have shopping different preferences. Some don’t have any. These three-interviewees varied with their shopping preferences. Celena is limited to online because she is doesn’t have many resources on the island where she lives. Larry and Paula were similar as they both didn’t mind the shopping in a store or online. Options aren’t limited for them. These three interviewees didn’t stress the importance of after purchase evaluations.



  1. Hey Sici. This is unrelated to your post, but last Friday I was working on my ENT blog posts at a cafe and the bathrooms were nearly out of soap. I thought of your product and how I would've loved to have it at that moment!

    Anyway, I think your interview results are surprising in the sense that none of the people do much post-purchase evaluation. Bad reviews can go a long way, so in a sense it's good that some people don't think it's worth the effort, but it doesn't help much for prevention measures.


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