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I would like to provide an all-natural, moisturizing, mini travel hand soap. All though this product caters to a variety of people, I will direct my product to this Customer who is allergic to Sodium sulfate that is used in most hand soaps.

My prototypical customer is a 25- year old Army reservist. In between serving, Katie is a part-time student at Robert Morris University in Moons, PA. obtaining her bachelors in behavioral science. Once a month, Katie drives her grey 2007 Nissan Sentra to Battle Assembly. She has 5-year-old triplet boys, Angel, Bear, and Cain. Katie loves to read the Bible to the kids at bed time. Each night she searches for a new story to read for them. The triplets are allergic to Sodium Sulfate so she has to be careful when they are out in public and have to use the restroom. They use hand sanitizer to clean their hands instead of the soap in the restrooms out in public places. However, sanitizer doesn’t really clean the hand completely. She often wishes that there was soap that she could travel with so they can actually clean their hands after using the restroom.

We are similar because we are both veterans as I was in the service. We both have kids that suffer with allergies. So, we both have to be cautious when using public restrooms. Whether it is a public restroom or at someone’s house. I don’t think it is a coincident that both of us have kids with allergies to ingredients in soap and lotions. There are a lot of people with this issue. I came up with this idea because besides the people with allergies, there are people who have other issues that cause them to want to have their own personal soap to carry around with them.


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