16A: What's your Secret Sauce

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1.   I am Outspoken

2.    I am adventurous

3.   I am selfless; always giving and doing for others in order to see them happy

4.   I am competitive

5.   I am boisterous

Vince: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzBDqFrHpobdRXo4QnRmbnpBcVU/view?usp=sharing
He basically thinks that I am outspoken and straight forward.

Kedie: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzBDqFrHpobdV0xSenFFeHV4NkE/view?usp=sharing
She things I am happy when I make others happy and that I go out of my way to please others.

Glen: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzBDqFrHpobdNWdfQndvN3B4Nnc
He thinks that I am a cool and full of energy.

Jennifer: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzBDqFrHpobdMFZ2U05fXzN5RDQ
She thinks I am professional and have good control of my emotions

Celena: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzBDqFrHpobdQ0duR2RSWTltM3c
She feels like my attitude, makes me different and the fact that I set goals and strive to accomplish them even if it can kill me.

I can honestly say that I am not surprised by their thoughts of me. In fact, I agree with most of it. I am outspoken and have no problems voicing my opinion regardless of who it is I am voicing it to. I do go above and beyond to see others happy even if I will be without in the end. I have a giving heart. I have ADHD, so I know I am always bubbly and I like to have fun. In a working environment, I remain professional at all times and being the competitive person that I am, I try my best to finish every race that I begin for myself. Some times, I feel like I should care a little less about others happiness and focus on my own. However, the way my heart was created, it just doesn't work that way. I find peace in seeing others happy.


  1. That is cool that your friends see you for who you really are and understand how hard you work to get things done! I too like to make sure others are happy before I am and sometimes it makes it hard for me to be happy. However, I enjoyed hearing from my close friends what they thought I do well- it was encouraging and makes me want to continue to be the person they see me as!


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